Meet the RM Motorsports Team

Meet Craig Bennett. Craig has been working on vintage racecars for over 35 years. He manages everything at the track, and that includes everything from coaching drivers to co-driving.

Meet Leah Bennett. Leah currently manages all of the invoicing, graphic design, travel arrangements for races, and photographing and documenting those races.

Meet Bud and Janice Bennett. For years Janice has managed our human resources and keeps our books. Bud continues to be an integral part at RM after handing over the reigns to his son, Craig and daughter-in-law, Leah. Bud aides in sales and enjoys going to the track to support our customers.

Meet Tony Pardo. Tony was hired as the "Go get it guy" and is now the General Manager and part owner! You can find Tony working as Crew Chief at the track, and in charge of purchasing and logistics back at RM.

Meet Adam Baldwin. Adam has worked for RM Motorsports for over 26 YEARS! You can find him working as Crew Chief at the track, and back at the shop as an expert machinist with the ability to duplicate nearly any automotive component.

Jerry one of our street car specialists. He can fine tune your Cobra, and diagnose even the smallest issue you might be having with your most prized vehicle.

Meet Bill Gloeser. Bill has been with RM over 18 years now. He's a race car mechanic by trade and travels for all the races. He's passionate about motorcycles, helicopters, and engines, and he also paints cars and airplanes in his spare time.

Meet Dan Kenny. Dan is one of the most valued employees at RM. He specializes in welding and fabrication. Dan is known for perfecting components for both street and race cars.

Meet Kyle West, in his words he does "Anything and Everything" at RM. He is known at the track as our tire and fuel man.

Kevin has worked at RM focusing on street car restorations. He is RM's paint body person.

Gavin's focus is electrical management on customer racecars. You will find him at the track managing track data for customers to analyze their laps.